12 Octombrie 2024
Centrul de Interes, partener al primei ediții a festivalului de dans Transilvania - OM
„Spații originale / Gesturi legalizate” este o instalație performativă care pune în dialog obiecte fizice și emoționale moștenite de performerele Ioana Marchidan și Simona Dabija cu obiectele artistice create de Dimitrie Gora, într-un spațiu fizic, expozițional, al cărui design e realizat de Maria Ghement și Justin Baroncea și un spațiu sonor realizat de Alexandru Suciu.
Echipa: Simona Dabija (coregrafă și performeră), Ioana Marchidan (coregrafă și performeră), Rucsandra Pop (dramaturgă), Dimitrie Gora (artist vizual), Maria Ghement (arhitectă), Justin Baroncea (arhitect), Alexandru Suciu (muzică), Andrei Angelescu (producător set design), și echipa /SAC: Andreea Chircă (asistență curatorială), Iulian Cristea (manager tehnic), Lidia Dobrea (producție), Anne Lolea (asistență curatorială), Elena Maxemciuc (asistență curatorială), Alex Radu (curator).
Miercuri 9 Octombrie, a fost una dintre serile încărcate cu conținut, la Centrul de Interes, avându-i de această dată protagoniști pe studenții Academiilor de Arte din Milano, Budapesta și Bratislava invitați alături de profesorii lor la un program intensiv Erasmus coordonat de profesorul universitar dr. Florin Ștefan de la UAD. Li s-au alăturat studenți de la licență în domeniul Cinema&Media și Filmologie, studenți din cadrul programului de Master DIA (Digital Interactive Arts) - ambele de la Facultatea de Teatru si Film + studenți de la Masterul interdisciplinar Istoria Ideilor Istoria Imaginilor de la Facultatea de Litere, studenți de la Masterul de Film and Audiovisual Studies, tot de la Facultatea de Teatru si Film toate de la UBB, cu toții coordonați de conferențiarul universitar dr.Horea Avram.
Au fost prezenți și implicați în organizarea acestei întâlniri, întreaga echipă a centrului de interes: Ovidiu Leuce, Andrei Budescu, Delia Avram, Marius Scafaru, Călin Colăcel. Au luat parte la întâlnire oaspeții speciali, artiștii Alfredo Pirri(Roma), Klaus Obermaier(Viena), criticul de artă Valentina Valentini(Roma) și profesorul universitar dr. Rodica Mocan UBB, profesor universitar habil Radu Pulbere, profesor universitar dr. Ioana Antoniu, conferențiar universitar dr. Mara Rațiu, de la UAD. Ca punct final al întâlnirii, doctorul în oenologie Delia Szekely, ne-a prezentat cea mai veche viță de vie din România și proiectul complex de readucere la viață a ei, “Via de la Tăușeni 131 de ani”.
Seara s-a încheiat sub umbrela fabuloasei expoziții a lui Antonello Tolve, “Another World is possible “, cu degustarea vinului DWine de la Tăușeni și multe alte povești frumoase.
Banca Transilvania Iulius Mall Cluj-Napoca Energobit Weberbau Modernism Punct Ro Propagarta The Woman OM - Transilvania International Dance Festival
Fotografii:Călin Colăcel
3 Octombrie 2024
Artiștii Lucia Bricco, Iulia Ghiță, Lukaskolm și Antti-Juhani Maninnen - membri ai grupului internațional BEDS, vă invită sâmbătă seara, 5 octombrie, ora 18.00, în spațiul Centrului de Interes, la evenimentul Performance BEDS Cluj 2024. În întâmpinarea acestui eveniment, Centrul de Interes a găzduit în perioada 1-4 octombrie, un workshop de inițiere în Performance, adresat studenților de la UAD- specializarea Pedagogia Artelor Plastice și Decorative (PAPD). La reușita acestui workshop, alături de studenți și grupul BEDS, au colaborat artiștii Ovidiu Leuce, Delia Avram și Iulia Toacaci.
Producători Centrul de Interes: Florin Ștefan și Ovidiu Leuce
Coordonator PAPD: Dana Fabini
Supported by @goetheinstitut, @kulttuurirahasto, @iicbucarest
Design: Vlad Sulea
Joi, 18 aprilie 2023, am fost onorați să participăm la lansarea albumului The Art of Urban Design realizat de Asociația Inventarium, UTCN și European University of Technology în parteneriat cu Centrul de Interes reprezentat de președintele federației Ovidiu Leuce, rectorul UAD Florin Ștefan și prorectorul UAD Andrei Budescu. Evenimentului cu același nume a avut loc în luna septembrie 2023 în spațiul expozițional al Centrului de Interes. Atât expoziția cât și albumul reflectă munca și proiectele marelui arhitect belgian Marcel Smets. Lansarea a avut loc la noul sediu UTCN HUB, din fosta Casă de Modă de pe strada George Barițiu. Au fost prezenți Marcel Smets, alături de editoarea albumului, inițiatoarea și realizatoarea întregului proiect Cristina Purcar, împreună cu invitații speciali: Silvia Benedito( U Algarve, Faro), Aglaée Degros( TU Graz), Șerban Țigănaș decanul facultății de arhitectură din cadrul UTCN și un public numeros. Felicitări tuturor!
Design: Eugen Coșorean
Fotografii: Andrei Budescu
Print: Idea
On Thursday, April 18, we were honored to participate in the launch of the album The Art of Urban Design, made by the Inventarium Association, UTCN and European University of Technology, in partnership with Centrul de Interes, represented by the president of the federation Ovidiu Leuce, the rector of UAD Florin Stefan, and the vice rector of UAD Andrei Budescu. The homonymous event took place in September 2023, in the exhibition space of Centrul de Interes. Both the exhibition and the album reflect the work and projects of the great Belgian architect Marcel Smets. The launch took place at the new UTCN HUB headquarters, in the former Fashion House on George Barițiu Street. Marcel Smets was present together with the editor of the album, the initiator and creator of the project Cristina Purcar, together with special guests: Silvia Benedito (U Algarve, Faro), Aglaée Degros (TU Graz), Șerban Țigănaș - the dean of the Faculty of Architecture within UTCN, and a large audience. Congratulations everyone!
Design: Eugen Coșorean
Photos: Andrei Budescu
Print: Idea
Fotografii eveniment: Vlad Ursu
Antonio Forcione TRIO
LIVE at Centrul de Interes Outdoor
May 26, 2022, 20:30h
Antonio Forcione - Steel, Nylon & Fretless Guitar
Matheus Nova - Acoustic Bass
Jansen Santana – Drum/ Percussion
Audiences are guaranteed a powerful, dynamic show of wit, personality and musical virtuosity.
“One of the greate acoustic guitarists” (THE GUARDIAN)
Antonio Forcione is an artist in every sense of the word, hailed as one of the most charismatic, unconventional guitarists at large in the musical world today. With a host of international awards under his belt, this eclectic composer never ceases to stun his audience on stage, leading him to be referred to as the ‘Jimi Hendrix of the acoustic guitar”. His solo performances never fail to bring the house down, let alone when he is performing in duo, as a trio, or with his quartet of international musicians.
He breaks the mold of most conventional guitar sounds, be it in the field of jazz, Spanish, African, Brazilian or improvised music, with a ferocious virtuosity, passion and humor. He has shared the stage and recorded with some of the world’s most accomplished musicians including Charlie Haden, Angelique Kidjo, Trilok Gurtu, Larry Coryell, Diego el Cigala and many more (see list below) as well as supporting giants such as Phil Collins, Bobby McFerrin, Zucchero and Van Morrison amongst others.
“ferocious, rampaging, controlled power, meticulous and with great clarity of expression ... astonishing musical personality” (AUDIOPHILE)
“…Passion, grace and fire"” (THE TIMES)
Most recently Antonio has been touring and recording with the amazing AKATrio their album have been nominated the ‘best world music album award 2019’ from One World Music Award.
The trio has been touring and wowing audiences throughout Europe. He has also been recording and performing with singer-songwriter Sarah Jane Morris as well as with Spanish flamenco star Arcangel and The Bulgarian Voices choir, touring under the name Estruna.
Over the years Antonio has released 20 albums of largely original material and has performed in festivals and theatres from as far as Australia and Indonesia to the USA, Africa, Canada, Caribbean, Turkey, Lebanon and all over Europe, especially in France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the UK. He has performed at numerous charity events and his festival appearances include Womad, Glastonbury, Edinburgh, Melbourne, Koln, Verona, Granada, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Perth International Festival, Singapore Arts Festival, Wellington International Festival, HIFA International Arts Festival in Zimbabwe, Istanbul international Guitar Festival, and the Machoire d’Or in Montreux amongst others.
“A major international guitar virtuoso .. one of those very few entertainers who can cast a spell on almost any audience ... remarkable personal magnetism” (JAZZ FM)
Jansen Santana
Musician multi-instrumentalist, has born in Salvador-Bahia-Brazil on the 10/09/1992. He began his music career very early, with only 3 years of age he accompanied his father, the Artist Peu Meurray on his shows, who is his biggest musical influence, as well as his mother, Cida Nunes, who is also a singer. His been involved in projects with different concepts and music genres, national and international percussion festivals, cultural and environmental projects. MUSIC is his 1st priority and way of life!
Currently living in London. He plays and produces with independent artists like him, dedicated to his solo work, in which he has been recording and composing, based on the researches of the places he visits, and the influences of the music on the streets of Salvador, Bahia, Northeast region of Brazil where he was born and raised.
Matheus Nova
Matheus Nova - ( Electric & acoustic Bass )was born in Bahia Brazil.Son of a pianist,he began learning music when he was 6 years old.Matheus is very popular in the Latin and London music circles and is recognised for his ability to ‘design’ astonishing bass lines. It has been said of him that he has the ability to “transform folkloric into “funkloric”.” Matheus has performed with many groups, including the Brazilian Samba Divas Elza Soares and Alcione.
Romanian Cultural Institute in New York / ICR New York
Join our virtual tours and you are instantly browsing the most important exhibitions of the season, getting insight from influential curators, gallerists and artists, and engaging with Romania's vibrant art scene.
The Center of Interest is the largest artistic community in Cluj, which includes 6 exhibition spaces on the 4th floor (INTACT SPACE, Bazis Contemporary, CAMERA or ATRIUM), numerous projects and residence spaces on the 1st floor (ATLIER INTACT, BAZIS Project Space, CAMERA Project Space, Nano Gallery, A + Project Space, FRICHE) and workshops on floors 1, 3 and 5, of artists Zsolt Berszan, Istvan Betuker, Andrei Ciurdărescu, Andrei Budescu, Irina Dumitrașcu Măgurean, Istvan Cîmpan, Adrian Ghiman, Ana Horhat, Valentin Ionescu, Gabriel Marian, Ovidiu Leuce, Alex Mirutziu and Florin Ștefan.
In more than three years of existence, the Center of Interest has organized 94 exhibitions and many other related events, which were attended by over 11,400 visitors. Also, starting with 2019, the Center of Interest hosts the Performance Day event, which introduces the public to the local and international performance scene. With the same interest, the largest contemporary art center in Cluj hosts theater performances, multimedia shows, concerts, conferences or round tables.
The premiere is on our Facebook and YouTube from July 17 at 2 p.m. New York & Toronto time / 11 a.m. Los Angeles & Vancouvertime / 9 p.m. Bucharest time. Please visit us and enjoy.
WANDERER 2020 RUNWAY SHOW, 18.06.2020
All seasons collection of characters.
I thank you all without whom this were not possible:
live dj set - Lazar
sound - Moshoi Funktion-One rental
hairstyling - Hairgonomy
video - Tudor Lazar
photos - Emil Costrut
livestream - Vlad Andrei Blidar
making of photographer - Dohotariu Adalbert Mihai
assistents - Anda Areșan Thalia Andrada Lucian Marian
accessories - wood sunglasses - Prototip Studio
Characters involved: Alexandru Gramada Iulia Anamaria Felnecan Danci Cristian Florin Ioana Patricia Buiga Alina Bulina Marian Horvath Miruna Batin Alexandra Hodis Raluca Pelin Raluca-Stefania Brezovan Ares Caius Raw Cocu Perpelac Abana Andrada Dora Puscas Diana Muraru Richard Cimpan Teo Istrati Bianca Neagoe Madalina Musat ONYK
special thanks for the perfect afterparty music: ONYK Lazar Perpelac Abana